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About Us

  During the day I am a paraprofessional working with high needs kids on the autism spectrum. My son is on the spectrum, and also fairly high need, so I have a lot of practice! I find the work incredibly fulfilling, though I also need a lot of art in my life. I have been a lifelong artist and have been making dolls for 17 years, though I often venture into whatever project inspires me. 

      A practitioner of the Craft for nearly 30 years. I started Blessed by Fire Designs almost by accident! I was searching for a particular style of subtly witchy earrings and could not find something that I really loved. I decided to make my own. It had been years since I made jewelry but I was reminded how much I enjoy it. 

     Somehow, making jewelry has me feeling more connected to my Craft. Thinking about and creating witchy designs has immersed me in symbology and learning about spiritual and magical paths and traditions that are new to me, though possibly the symbols are essential to someone else's practice. I have always been fascinated with religions of all kinds and interested in how others practice.  I am an eclectic witch with a Celtic leaning, Though I find all traditions, and the way people practice to be fascinating.  I love learning new things!

     If there is a particular symbol or design you want, and it isn't something I currently carry, please send me a message and let me know! I will continue to expand my offerings to try to include everyone and every metaphysical/magical path, and as many symbols as possible. This all started because I couldn't find what I wanted for a pair of earrings. My goal is to try to make it so everyone can find the special pieces they are searching for. 


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